Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing


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My Iowa PLB

Logging In

For best results, use Chrome web browser. Click here to download Chrome.
Please note:  Microsoft Explorer v11 and Edge are NOT supported.

Click on the​ "Login to my Iowa PLB" box near the top of the page.

screenshot of plb website menu with "login to my iowa plb" circled

Click on "New User" at the bottom of the page.

Fill out the required information. Your email address and username must be the same. Click on submit.

You will receive an email from the system with a link to set up your password. If you do not receive the email, please check your spam/junk folder.  Passwords must be at least 10 characters long and have a mix of letters, numbers and special characters.

Additional Resources

Please note: Unless otherwise regulated by an individual board’s rules, abandoned applications shall be deemed withdrawn. An application is abandoned if the applicant has not accessed or modified the application through the bureau’s electronic licensing database within the preceding six months.

Please note: Fees are nonrefundable. 

Please be advised, a dishonored check, draft or order, or a return for an invalid account, or other return from the Treasurer of the State of Iowa or US Bank will be assessed a fee of $30 by the Professional Licensing & Regulation Bureau as allowed by Iowa Code 544.3512, and may result in disciplinary action from the licensing board.  

screenshot of my iowa plb login screen with "new user?" circled